Adding Units & Assessments into IRIS

Log in to your IRIS management portal.

Checking/Adding a Unit in IRIS

1. Select Faculty Management

2. Select the relevant faculty:

3. ‘Schools’ section will drop down, select Core or a Stream, depending on your unit

4. ‘Courses’ section will drop-down, select the prefix of your unit eg BSC101C or BME106S

5. Units section will drop down; check the unit is listed, and if not listed, add the new units (see below). E.g., BSC201C.

Adding an Assessment to IRIS

1. Once the course and unit is listed/added, go back to ‘Units & Assessments’ at the top of the page to add in the relevant assessment.

2. Click on +Add Assessment

3. Input the below details that correspond to your quiz:

  • School
  • Course
  • Unit
  • Date (start date of quiz)
  • Name
  • URL (see below)
  • Duration
Password (click generate and it will be generated)


4. Copy and paste the quiz/exam URL from Moodle

5. Ensure all boxes are ticked at the bottom and then click Save


Adding IRIS information to Moodle for quiz assessments

1. Open edit settings for your quiz/exam

2. Open extra restrictions sub heading and paste the generated password from the IRIS assessment set up.

3. Save the asssessment in Moodle and close window/tab

4. Open assessment again to ensure the IRIS pop up window comes up when clicking in to the quiz

5. Set up for IRIS proctoring is now complete


How to watch a recording

1. Open IRIS webpage and log in – Management Interface

2. Search your unit and click ‘View Assessments‘

3. Find the title of your assessment and click ‘Sessions’

4. Click the ‘Full Report’ of the student you would like to review

If the student does not have a full report, it means their recording hasn’t been uploaded successfully. You will need to ask the student to re-enter and click finalise upload on the initial IRIS pop up screen

5. Once in the students recording, click the time bar to navigate through each sequence quickly, looking for other people in the screen, the student communicating and the student looking at websites that have not been allowed by LSOs/lecturers

6. Once you have completed the recording, press ‘Go Back’ and the reviewer can then authenticate and tick the reviewed box